Are YOU ready to embark upon the Trial of Champions?
First published in 1984, Ian Livingstone's Deathtrap Dungeon was an instant hit, selling over 350,000 copies in its first year alone, and the gamebook remains one of the most popular entries in the Fighting Fantasy series to this day.
It spawned a sequel, Trial of Champions (published in 1986) and a third title, Armies of Death, took the hero of Trial of Champions out of the eponymous dungeon to battle the hordes of Agglax the Shadow Demon.
The has been a Deathtrap Dungeon card game, a d20 adaptation, Deathtrap Dungeon for the Sony PlayStation, and there have even been rumours of a comic and a film over the years.
Deathtrap Dungeon was reprinted in 2018 by Scholastic Books and can be enjoyed as part of Nomad Games' Deathtrap Dungeon Trilogy, for the Nintendo Switch, and Tin Man Games' Fighting Fantasy Classics app, while the latest adaptation is Deathtrap Dungeon: The Interactive Video Adventure from Branching Narrative, starring Eddie Marsan.