Strand A Talks
To watch any of the videos of the Strand A talks recorded at Fighting Fantasy Fest 3, simply click on your choice.
Portals of Death
Peter Darvill-Evans, author of Beneath Nightmare Castle, Portal of Evil and Spectral Stalkers, and Jamie Thomson, co-author of Talisman of Death, Sword of the Samurai and The Keep of the Lich-Lord, discuss planning interactive adventures with Jon Ingold, narrative director of inkle studios.
News from the Black Lobster Tavern
Ian Livingstone discusses his new Fighting Fantasy gamebook, Assassins of Allansia, with the book’s illustrator and cover artist, Robert Ball.
Secrets of Firetop Mountain
Guests of Honour Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone are joined by illustrator Russ Nicholson and original commissioning editor Geraldine Cooke to talk about how The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, the original Fighting Fantasy gamebook, came into existence.
Robert Ball - How I Got Here, What I've Done and How I Did It
Artist Robert Ball talks about his work for Scholastic Books on the Fighting Fantasy range, and how he goes about creating the macabre monsters encountered
throughout the adventures.
The Adventures of Achilleos
Gamebook author Martin Noutch interviews the legendary fantasy artist Chris Achilleos about his work for Fighting Fantasy, and beyond.
Return to Deathtrap Dungeon
Dungeonmaster Ian Livingstone takes unwary adventurer John Robertson (and the audience) on a journey into the depths of Baron Sukumvit’s infamous
labyrinth of horrors. After this you may never look at Deathtrap Dungeon in quite the same way again.