Strand A Talks
To watch any of the videos of the Strand A talks recorded at Fighting Fantasy Fest 2, simply click on your choice.
Battleblade Demonstealer
Former Fighting Fantasy consultant editor and author
Marc Gascoigne talks to Fighting Fantasy historian Jonathan Green about his extensive work on the FF series during the Puffin era.
The Warlocks of Firetop Mountain
Guests of Honour Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone tell fans the tale of how the Scholastic era of Fighting Fantasy gamebooks came about.
Freeway Fighters
Andi Ewington and artist Simon Coleby – the creative team behind the Freeway Fighter comic – join original Freeway Fighter cover artist Jim Burns, to discuss how they transformed the post-apocalyptic adventure into the first serialised Fighting Fantasy comic.
Iain McCaig Masterclass
Famed for his work on Ian Livingstone’s City of Thieves and Deathtrap Dungeon, as well as his exquisite covers for The Forest of Doom, Island of the Lizard King, and The Port of Peril hardback collector’s edition, Iain McCaig talks about his work for Fighting Fantasy and beyond.